Official GSMA™ Open Gateway Channel Partner enabling Open Gateway APIs for Operators & Enterprises

Keiron Dalton

Chief Product Officer

Keiron Dalton

Chief Product Officer

My expertise extends across various roles, from being a BBC news guest to a sought-after speaker, GSMA product creator, and mobile identity product specialist.

My journey in shaping the mobile identity landscape includes conceiving the first usage of mobile operator insight within the UK. Before my time at Prove and other prominent identity companies, I held C-level roles within the GSMA’s mobile connect program and BT’s Mobile Identity division. During this period, I played a crucial role in establishing the UK mobile identity ecosystem as it exists today.

Driven by a determination to see the world harness the connectivity in place for the safe delivery of digital consumer experiences, I actively define and deliver solutions on a global scale. Additionally, as part of my responsibilities at Sekura, I oversee the direction of our ambitious global product strategy.

A guiding principle that I hold dear is encapsulated in the phrase: “A prototype is worth a thousand meetings.”

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Keiron Dalton

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