Rich Oliver

Development Manager

Rich Oliver

Development Manager

For over a decade, I’ve been immersed in the realm of digital identity. My journey began with a focus on mobile phones, and I’ve had the privilege of contributing to innovative solutions that make a difference.

I was part of the team that introduced SIM Swap detection to the UK through. The recognition received for our work was gratifying, but what matters most is the positive impact on security and user experience. Working closely with major Tier 1 UK banks has been a valuable experience. My focus has been on developing solutions that align with the industry’s security standards and enhance user interactions.

My professional journey includes a variety of projects, ranging from a multi-channel communications system to testing software, and solutions for the insurance, pharmaceutical, and nuclear industries.

My passion lies in exploring the intersection of technology and real-world applications. From pioneering SIM Swap detection to contributing to lab testing software, I’m driven by the desire to find practical solutions to complex challenges.

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Rich Oliver

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Already on six continents, we’re on a mission to provide truly global mobile identity coverage, Unlock your mobile network’s potential by working with